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Wir produzieren unsere Quiltrahmen in Kleinserien in unserer eigenen kleinen Werkstatt. Deshalb übersteigt die Nachfrage meistens unsere Kapazität. Es ist also in den meisten Fällen notwendig, dass sie ihren Rahmen vorbestellen. Er wird dann geliefert sobald er fertig ist. Die angegebene Lieferzeit ist ausdrücklich als grober Richtwert zu verstehen und kann variieren. Dafür bekommen sie ein handgefertigtes Produkt mit höchstem Qualitätsanspruch.
Auswahl Steuerzone / Lieferland
Mit dem Rundrahmenständern "Joy" quilten Sie immer in der richtigen Position. Der Stiel ist in der Neigung stufenlos einstellbar und lässt sich bis in den Schoß absenken. Durch den Kugelkopf, lässt sich der Ring stufenlos neigen und drehen. Ob auf dem Sofa, im Lieblingssessel oder vor dem Fernseher, Sie finden immer die richtige Position. Die Ringe lassen sich leicht austauschen und sind in drei Größen lieferbar. Der Rahmen kann sowohl in der Classic als auch der Ornate Version jeweils in Ahorn, Eiche und Erle geliefert werden. Die Ringe selbst sind konstuktionsbedingt immer aus Ahornholz.
Alle Bewertungen
Alle Bewertungen stammen von Kunden die dieses Produkt erworben haben:
Superbe I received my Hoop quilting frame a few days ago and haven’t use it yet. So I can only say that it it a piece of art. It’s obvious that it’s been build with a profond knowledge. I’m sure I’ll have the best equipment to quilt. Looking forward to using it. Je n’ai pas encore eu l’occassion d’utiliser ce magnifique cercle à quilter ne l’ayant reçu qu’il y a quelques jours. Il semble extrêmement bien pensé et j’attends avec impatience de pouvoir y travailler.
I received my Hoop quilting frame a few days ago and haven’t use it yet. So I can only say that it it a piece of art. It’s obvious that it’s been build with a profond knowledge. I’m sure I’ll have the best equipment to quilt. Looking forward to using it. Je n’ai pas encore eu l’occassion d’utiliser ce magnifique cercle à quilter ne l’ayant reçu qu’il y a quelques jours. Il semble extrêmement bien pensé et j’attends avec impatience de pouvoir y travailler.
Joy hoop quilting frame is perfect! I received my hoop quilting frame 10 days ago. I chose the oak version with a 16 inch hoop. The parcel arrived in perfect condition to the south of France and I started quilting with it immediately. I have quilted every day since, between one hour and three hours a day. I now feel I can give an honest review. This hoop is not only a beautiful handmade piece of craftsmanship. It is SO comfortable to quilt with. I quilt in a big comfy armchair and because the hoop is adjustable in absolutely any height and directions and inclinations, you have maximum confort all the time. The wooden knobs are handy and easy to screw and unscrew which makes adapting the inclination so easy and you do not have to move from your armchair for that. Lifting up the hoop and let it go down is also very easy thanks to the foot pedal. I am not a novice quilter and I had a hoop frame before this one but there is truly no comparison. I love beautiful tools and this one is going to last a lifetime and will go down to future generations for sure! I really recommend it as its name suits the hoop perfectly well. It turns hand quilting into pure joy.
I received my hoop quilting frame 10 days ago. I chose the oak version with a 16 inch hoop. The parcel arrived in perfect condition to the south of France and I started quilting with it immediately. I have quilted every day since, between one hour and three hours a day. I now feel I can give an honest review. This hoop is not only a beautiful handmade piece of craftsmanship. It is SO comfortable to quilt with. I quilt in a big comfy armchair and because the hoop is adjustable in absolutely any height and directions and inclinations, you have maximum confort all the time. The wooden knobs are handy and easy to screw and unscrew which makes adapting the inclination so easy and you do not have to move from your armchair for that. Lifting up the hoop and let it go down is also very easy thanks to the foot pedal. I am not a novice quilter and I had a hoop frame before this one but there is truly no comparison. I love beautiful tools and this one is going to last a lifetime and will go down to future generations for sure! I really recommend it as its name suits the hoop perfectly well. It turns hand quilting into pure joy.
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